11 January 2008

Global Warming a New Challenge For Mr.Ratan Tata

As a Citizen of India i have some social responsibilities although this is a technical blog but i have decided to use it alongside as a stage to speak out on some social issues.Yesterday a new Tata car "nano" was launched this post is definitely not about its features and accessories, its about is it really what India wants?

After every car launch we hear this phase "Environment friendly" but do you really think it means what is said? well i don't think so as the number of cars are increasing the pollution is definitely going to increase whether you say it is EURO 3 or EURO 4 compliant. We always see the impact of single car on environment but now with TATA launching Rs. 1 Lakh it will definitely mean more cars on roads and if you see the total combined effect of all the new cars on roads its effect will be devastating .

These are the Euro norms

Euro 1 Euro 2 Euro 3 Euro 4

1992 1995 2000 2004
Nox 8 7 <5> <3
CO 4.5 4 2.5 1
HC 1.1 1.1 0.7 0.5
PM 0.36 0.15 <0.10 <0.10

Tata has expressed its desire to sell 2.5 lakh in next year or so now if you analyze the combined effect of all these vehicles considering it to be EURO3 compliant it will contribute Nox: 1000 K units CO: 625K units HC :175 k PM: 225k . Now what do you think about these figures aren't these figures going to worsen the already choke environment? Isn't this going to trigger the extinction of Life on earth?

Only solution what according to me is the best way to deal with this situation is that their should be a check on the total number of vehicles which a particular manufacturer could make and also phasing out the delivery of the cars, fixing the number of cars which could be sold in a particular area depending on the environment conditions of the area.

Few days back i read a report from NASA which said Mumbai is one of the cities which will drown by 2012 due to the effects of global warming. I think one of the major contributors to pollutions are the use of private vehicles, with increase in purchasing power of people their is a growing trend of purchasing cars. This trend could only be stopped if the people are provided with an alternate public transport system which offers them some acceptable comfort level . I think its time to call in Private Public Participation in the Public transportation here i call Mr. Ratan Tata this is a New Challenge for you.

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06 January 2008

Flash web desktop Jooce

Jooce is something really amazing web desktop i came across. have you ever heard about online operating system well although it doesn't exist now but this system made me belief that in near future this could be the next big thing coming our way.

Jooce is an web desktop which provides you with all the options of storing and organizing files. Not only this it provides something similar two 3d viewing.It also offers you to save in your contacts from Yahoo, Msn, and Aim . It also has a unique Control panel which helps you set wallpapers, effects, Avtar, and reset password.

Now coming to 3d part well you can switch over from your desktop to your friends desktop and during the switch over it shows something similar to what a 3d browser does. The main thing of importance is that you can easily share files among your contacts.This operating system is of use for users who are always traveling and may need any files in there PC back home to be at their place of reallocation.

This according to me, Jooce will add new dimensions to the way people like to store or share data. Please share in your opinion on this............................

If you intend to read more about Jooce or want to experience it then here is the link


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Steps to Increase Traffic on Blog :RssHugger

As i am just 3 months old in blogging i am on the lookout to increase traffic on my blog.I have read many blogs many suggestions some say one has to have quality in posts and some believe you must be frequent in blogging, but as a new blogger what i realize after 3 months of working on the above said principles is that, these things can only come into picture when a blog is reachable to a larger audience. For that it means definitely there should be more websites which refer to your website and you must be frequent in giving out your opinion and appreciating other bloggers for there work.

So now to work on the new principle which i have suggested two questions which directly comes to my mind is that Firstly Is there anyone who would refer my site and help me in bringing my blog to an global exposure?? and secondly why would any body refer to my site ??.........well well now the answer to my first question I found after a lot of research and it lies in RssHugger.I found that many bloggers who are successful are opting for it to increase traffic.

Now i would answer for Why? which is my second question. I have figure out that the principles that many blogs which I had read and followed were the answer. For this you need to have some quality posts and frequent posts. Now I would be submitting this review post link about RssHugers to RssHuggers which is one of the conditions laid by them, then they will review my blog and if my blog is good enough then my blog may get some more readers. RssHuggers also provide with another option that is instead of writing a review you can pay them $20.

RssHugers is a new website that brings bloggers and readers together. Not only rsshuggers help in getting traffic, but it also provide value in building backlinks for search engine optimization. RSS Hugger is the conecpt from Collin LaHay an search engine optimizer, and internet marketer. A recent contest on shoemoney.com inspired Collin to develop this unique concept.

There are already 577 RSS feeds from various blogs at the time of writing this post. If you want to add your blog, go to rsshugger.com, register and write a review about it. I have given out my opinion now let’s see how much traffic it sends!

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04 January 2008

HD DVD vs Blue Ray war Over, Blue Ray ready to became a Standard

With the beginning of a New Year comes the good news for consumers, Blue Ray has taken another step towards victory, with it giving us the hope of ending the long battle between HD DVD of Toshiba and Blue Ray disk of Sony.

Time Warner's Warner Bros. studio has stopped supporting the HD DVD format and will now work exclusively with Sony's Blu-ray.With this it seems likely that the balance has tipped permanently in favor of Sony.Warner Bros CEO Barry Meyer contend that the competing formats create confusion that is keeping either format from mass acceptance. But, they say Blu-ray has been the clear consumer winner so far and going with that format makes the most sense going forward.This is a good news for Hollywood, as it will end the confusion of consumers and will enable them to go with next-gen DVDs.

Let me try to brief about the differences the two technologies

ROM single layer: 25GB15GB
ROM dual layer: 50GB 30GB
Highest test: 100GB 45GB
Theoretical limit: 200GB 60GB


The 0.65 aperture for HD DVD vs. 0.85 aperture for Blu-ray—thus also making the two pickups technically incompatible despite using lasers of the same type.Blue Ray is definitely costlier than HD DVDs as a special hard coating must also be applied to Blu-ray discs, so their surface is sufficiently resilient enough to protect the data a mere 0.1mm beneath. The added benefit of keeping the data layer closer to the surface, however, is more room for extra layers.

I always believed that HD DVD was of no competition with Blue Ray , it was just a corporate fight between two old rivals Toshiba and Sony which i knew will end with the technology which has the potential to be a future technology. As things are getting computerized there will be always an ever increasing need for more storage space which clearly means one must support a technology which has the potential to expand to max which will definitely rate Blue Ray ahead.

Another silent reason which caused this battle was that Blue Ray is developed in Java which lead the rival company Microsoft supporting HD DVD and even today it is still standing by it. Well Well i don't see Microsoft changing its view point by any means but still i believe as the other big corporate house are in favor of Blue Ray it will end soon with Blue Ray standing a WINNER !

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