As a Citizen of India i have some social responsibilities although this is a technical blog but i have decided to use it alongside as a stage to speak out on some social issues.Yesterday a new Tata car "nano" was launched this post is definitely not about its features and accessories, its about is it really what India wants?
After every car launch we hear this phase "Environment friendly" but do you really think it means what is said? well i don't think so as the number of cars are increasing the pollution is definitely going to increase whether you say it is EURO 3 or EURO 4 compliant. We always see the impact of single car on environment but now with TATA launching Rs. 1 Lakh it will definitely mean more cars on roads and if you see the total combined effect of all the new cars on roads its effect will be devastating .
These are the Euro norms
Euro 1 | Euro 2 | Euro 3 | Euro 4 | |
1992 | 1995 | 2000 | 2004 | |
Nox | 8 | 7 | <5> | <3 |
CO | 4.5 | 4 | 2.5 | 1 |
HC | 1.1 | 1.1 | 0.7 | 0.5 |
PM | 0.36 | 0.15 | <0.10 | <0.10 |
Tata has expressed its desire to sell 2.5 lakh in next year or so now if you analyze the combined effect of all these vehicles considering it to be EURO3 compliant it will contribute Nox: 1000 K units CO: 625K units HC :175 k PM: 225k . Now what do you think about these figures aren't these figures going to worsen the already choke environment? Isn't this going to trigger the extinction of Life on earth?
Only solution what according to me is the best way to deal with this situation is that their should be a check on the total number of vehicles which a particular manufacturer could make and also phasing out the delivery of the cars, fixing the number of cars which could be sold in a particular area depending on the environment conditions of the area.
Few days back i read a report from NASA which said Mumbai is one of the cities which will drown by 2012 due to the effects of global warming. I think one of the major contributors to pollutions are the use of private vehicles, with increase in purchasing power of people their is a growing trend of purchasing cars. This trend could only be stopped if the people are provided with an alternate public transport system which offers them some acceptable comfort level . I think its time to call in Private Public Participation in the Public transportation here i call Mr. Ratan Tata this is a New Challenge for you.
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