Have you ever heard this……that you possess the music system and your neighbors having its remote control? Similar is the idea of Apple appears to me to have an auto controlling volume control within the iPod.
According to one of the reports it was suggested that most of the iPod users plug in their iPods at loud volume. On which experts have stated that prolonged exposure to loud music could ultimately lead to hearing loss. Acting on this Apple has decided to take a stand on the situation by developing a system wherein your iPod would act as a health partner, it would automatically reduce the volume level of your iPod to a safer level after certain period of hearing the music at loud level.
I believe it is a step which could reduce the sales of iPod because I think it will be really annoying as in to reduce the music level while one is listening to a song. I think what Apple could do instead of this is that they may issue an warning or cautious note where in they can inform the iPod user to hear the music at a stipulated volume. Or they can provide in with 2 modes one for auto health and other without it.
Well these are all if and buts, it may or may not happen so lets wait and watch out for this new development @ Apple iPod. Lets not rule out Apple as it is known to bring in revolution in the field of technology may be it might turn out to be the best possible change in technology so lets gear up to see the latest happening in iPod..............
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