Searching is an extensive activity which we perform on net generally for every questions that pops to our mind. When you talk about searching the first thing that will cross through our minds is Google.Google is an extensive search engine which offers lot more features than any available search engine this article written to make aware novice searchers how they can exploit the power of Google search and get the directed result .
- Explicit Phrase:
When you are looking for a particular words/string on net then you may not get the desired result like if u type finance home this the result you get :-As you can see that i didn't get the intended result, now type the same string but this time within double quotations this will work perfectly.
What happens is when ever you type more than one word which are from different domain it searches for both of them considering them as 2 different results and hence it displays the result with finance or home.
- Exclude Words:
Some time it may happen that we are looking for something which lies in more than one domain but we want to exclude result from a particular domain like:-animals which will look like this............. . Now suppose you do not info about insects so what you will do type:-animals-insects. .
3. Similar Words and Synonyms:
Let’s say you are want to include a word in your search, but want to include results that contain similar words or synonyms. To do this, use the "~" in front of the word.
These 3 particular searching tricks i frequently use, other than these there are some other tricks also.If you wish to read more about tricks and tips to Google search then visit .
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