12 May 2008

The World’s First Zero-Emissions City ....In Oil Rich Abu Dhabi

World’s first zero-emission city is on its way to be built in oil-rich Abu Dhabi. With this Abu Dhabi is hoping the project will propel the country to become world leaders in renewable energy.

Construction started on a city that will house 50,000 people and 1,500 businesses but use extremely little energy. The city's designers predict that efficiency improvements will result in a 75 percent reduction in energy consumption compared with a conventional city of the same size.

Some of the Design Paradigms which are implemented to make it zero emission are
  • Thin-film solar panels will serve as the facades and roofing for buildings. High tech sensors will closely monitor energy use to ensure nothing is wasted.
  • Driverless vehicles will be powered by batteries that make cars obsolete. All you do is type in your destination, and an electric carriage comes to your door to automatically take you to your destination on tracks using magnetic levitation.
  • To keep people aware of their energy habits, sensors throughout the city will keep residents aware of how much their energy usage will cost them, which serves as a nice little reminder to keep habits reasonable.

The goal of the new city is to set new standards and develop new technology for clean sustainable that can be transferred to other cities around the world.


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