06 February 2008

Microsoft Bids For Presidential Hold of Internet

One of the biggest competition which everybody is looking forward these days is the Presidential elections of USA, another war of simila scale is going on between the Microsoft and Google over the supremacy of internet.

Last week Microsoft a dominant player of desktop PCs showed its interest in acquiring the sinking ship of Yahoo by offering 31$ per share this has led to a mixed response from Internet fraternity. Google one of the prominent stake holders of internet has shown its concern over this issue. They believe the Microsoft will destroy the concept of openness of internet and innovation and will try to monopolize it.

The potential impact of this Joint venture if it took place could be that, it will make Microsoft one of the major forces of Chatting and Mailing services. Well I have always seen Microsoft as one of the major trend setters in desktop market and Google as force to recon when it comes to internet, I think the competition between the two companies would definitely be fascinating and will be beneficial for the Internet Users and Bloggers as it might open more options to earn while we surf the net.
Do You think the same as i do on this issue? please post your opnion on this issue.....................

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